A cowl is a long hooded robe with wide sleeves worn by members of some monastic orders. The term has also been adopted to refer to a wide range of coverings, from the cowl which covers the engine of a car to hoods used to cover chimneys, improving their draft and cutting down on errant sparks. You may also hear the word “cowl” in reference to a loose, hood-like neckline on a woman's garment. Cowl necklines are very popular on winter sweaters, offering insulation to the neck to keep the wearer comfortable in cold weather.
The word is derived from the Latin cucullus, which originally referred to a type of bag used to carry groceries. Over time, the word came to be used in reference to hoods, which were sewn in much the same style.  

Below are more unique styles with cowl necklines which I looooovve

While many people associate the cowl with an expression of religious faith today, early cowls were far more practical. Monks often lived in cold, drafty monasteries, and cowls kept them warm, reducing the risk of getting sick. They also acted as visual symbols as office, as cowls were only given to monks who had taken vows.
Cowls come in a wide range of colors, linked to various religious orders, and nuns wear a version of the cowl as well. The fabrics tend to be very plain, in keeping with religious injunctions against vanity, and they are typically dyed in a single color. Both monks and nuns may wear woven belts attached to rosaries, crosses, or other religious articles, and the hood is typically not worn, instead flowing over the back of the robe.


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